Dianna Bonny’s E-mail to me from another website

Dear Dianna Bonny,

You calling me “vengeful” is like the pot calling the kettle black !

I recently spoke to an 8o-year-old woman, Joan Bonny, in Spain and listened to the hurt in her voice; she wants to know where her son Nigel’s ashes are. Joan Bonny was a very sincere and believable woman.

Vengeful is how I would describe a person who will not tell an 80-year-old grieving mother where her sons ashes are.

As for me revealing my name, look at the Contact Information page. You can even find my address !

As for me being an unhappy man, well that’s not true. I find joy in almost everything. I really do, Including this Blog and all my rights as a blogger.

As for two brothers not speaking, well no one is with out fault, you, me or Nigel. Remember at the end of the day it seems the only thing you forgot was how much Nigel’s family really loved and cared for him. I understand that Joan’s sister even sent you money in your time of need. If what you say about Nigel’s brother is true it seems to me Nigel’s brother was there for him in the end. Can you say the same ?

As for personal information, everything is of public record. But since you brought up, how were you able to recall the two times we met over 6 years ago, for no more than ten minutes.  Sounds like quite an imagination to me !

I guess you don’t like it when some one challenges your integrity.

In your own words “Good luck to you’
